1) Sweat through my cute work ensemble (yes, I dressed up today) and consequently look like Crisco-faced Renee Zellweger (see picture below) until I realized the reason it is so cold in my office is because I am the person who shut the vent this past winter to stay warm.

2) Realized I only have $162 dollars to my name. (It's worse than it sounds. I have more than that due in bills and I don't get paid again until Sunday -- which means I will have to limit my drinking this weekend - or wear something slutty and whore myself out for free drinks.)
3) Web MD'd my symptoms (I was legitimately sick on Monday) to find that swollen lymph nodes could mean I have a cold, strep throat, syphillis, lyme disease or.....cancer. Thank you, very helpful.
4) Received an invitation to my ex-sorority sister's shotgun wedding.......via facebook.
Must go to a bar before things get worse.
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