So I had my date with Bed Maker.
He called me yesterday to set it up. He suggested putt-putt. I said, "of course, I used to play golf in high school, so I am a fan".
"I know you told me the other night." (oops, just because I don't remember anything from that night doesn't mean other people, especially sober people, don't)
"How does the Peter Pan one sound?"
"That's fine with me, I like it because its BYOB."
SILENCE (Forgot he doesn't drink...I feel like an alcoholic)
"...its fun for other reasons that that though" is how I try to save myself.
For some reason this kid still wants to take me out on a date.
I meet him at his apartment and he drives us to putt-putt.
We got along really well. Good conversation, friendly competition. He beat me..but whatever. You can't beat a guy on the first date, sets the wrong tone. I don't want to date a wuss who loses to girls. Finish with Peter Pan and go to dinner at Wahoos.
Wahoos totally fits Bed Maker. He's from California, he's into extreme sports and wears DC shoes (not all the time though, thank God). The food at Wahoos is really good, they have amazing fish tacos. Anyway.. I needed to figure out how I was going to get some booze with sober date over here.
On the ride to Wahoos:
"Wahoos has great food, good choice. You know whats also good there are their margaritas."
"Yeah, all their stuff is really good."
Ordering at the counter:
"And can I get you both anything to drink?"
"I'll just have a soda, but did you want that margarita?"
"Margarita, rocks, salt!"
At dinner he talks about his crazy family. His grandfather owns a water park out in east Texas. He's a big religious guy so the water park is a Chirstian water park (I have no idea what makes a water park Christian, but I didn't ask) and its called Water Kingdom. Like God's Kingdom. Then Bed Maker tells me that he wished his grandfather had picked the name he suggested, which was Sprays the Lord. Hilarous. I would have gone to that water park for sure.
Head back to his place after dinner to change. (I wasn't going to putt-putt in a dress.) So I change and Bed Maker I guess realizes I'm dressed up a lot more than he was planning. He goes and stands in his closet to refigure the clothes situation. He picks a button down and nice shoes. Later when we get over to his friend's house the guys all whistle and ask what the occasion is. He blushes. I guess he never wears more than a t-shirt down town. So funny. He looked good though.
The rest of the night was crazy drunken debauchery down town with sober date. I came to the realization that its actually a benefit to date someone who doesn't drink. They get to pick up the pieces once I'm too drunk to do it myself. He's a steady hand as a photographer. Safe ride home. Arm to hold when stumbling down 6th at 2 am. And we all know I could use that.
I don't think this is going anywhere with Bed Maker. Mainly because I am moving to Dallas in a month. But its nice to have a boy to play with and pay for things.
Friday, May 2, 2008
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