"I have no idea what this douche bag is talking about, I don't know how to do my job."
"You actually expect me to work, HA!"
Did I mention that Karen is EXTREMELY loud? She shares an office with me and two other people and insists on yelling into the phone at all times. Often using the words "dear" and "thanks much" both of which are slowly draining my will to live. Then she sat around and yelled and laughed at people on the phone for awhile longer before leaving at 4:00. I will be here until 6:00.
On other fronts:
- I spent about half of my day contacting 113 websites such as "stupidfartvideos.com" and "frenchmaidtv.com." All of which could have been done by a trained chimp. And I'm not talking one of those chimps who knows sign language, just a standard chimp who knows how to push buttons.
-I went to the doctor yesterday against my will and what did she have to say? Allergies. What did she have to prescribe? An over-the-counter allergy medicine. I might as well have just lit $50 on fire and waved it in the air until it burnt my hand. Would have been a more pleasurable experience.
- I normally spend a good portion of my day chatting with NounsAboutMe and Venus Fly Slap, but Nouns is being Nordstrom's bitch today and Venus is being held hostage by a group project, so instead I just set my away message to "Waiting for Booze O'Clock" and plodded on.
All of this adds up to a pretty shitty day if you ask me, UNTIL... in my regular blog route (Start with dlisted.com, head over to Perezhilton.com, check out the superficial.com then swing by geekologie.com and iwatchstuff.com) I stumbled upon this gem.

This kid got himself stuck in the claw machine because he wanted a SpongeBob toy! What an idiot! Who are these kids parents? Mr. & Mrs. Dumbshit?
Oh life, sometimes you beat me down just so I remember to appreciate the simple things.
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