-Order my cap/gown and grad announcements. This sacred event occurs in 3 weeks and likely should have been done oh....about 2 months ago.
-Pay my gas and cable bills. Not to mention I need to write LC a check for the electric and water. (LC - if you are reading this...you are a SAINT. Anyone else would have bitch-slapped the shit out of me. My turn to clean the bathroom. I deserve it.)
-My marketing homework.
-Work-out. (You're probably thinking....oh, shut up. People neglect to work out all of the time. But, those people probably don't drink 2,500 calories of booze on any given night. PLUS, I pay for a work-out class that I just chose to skip for the week. Read: Lighting money on fire.)
-Some shit for the sorority. The standards chair keeps emailing me so I guess I'm in trouble. Can't really pinpoint exactly what it is for -- I do too many bad things.
Anyway, I had probably the best sleep of my life last night. Likely because I never really slept this weekend. Passed out, sure. Slept, no. As a result I woke up this morning resolving to do better and be good this week.
Then I got to work.....
Keep in mind that I have had this job for 2 years and I have about 2 weeks left to work here. So, as you can imagine I am beyond sick of it. I have some seriously ADD tendencies and sitting in front of TWO computer screens for 7 hours straight makes me want to kick puppies. (Sorry, LC.)
I sit down at my desk and realize that I forgot to turn in my time sheet on Friday. (SHIT, FUCK, DAMN!!) I quickly fill it out and hit print. Strut my happy little ass down to the printer to find the IT guy standing there with the plug in his hand.
"Oh.....yeah....I'm working on the printers."
Great, wonderful. Nice of you to inform the people who use the printers 7,864 times a day. Superb social skills.
I go talk to the lady who does payroll. She has just finished. She will not accept my time sheet. MY LIFE IS BAD. (Guess my credit card will be getting some serious action for the next 2 weeks.)
I go back to my computer so that I can rant to Shoulders via gchat -- not connected to the internet. Apparently the IT guy has moved on from the printers to just generally fucking up my life.
Then, my "boss" starts poking her head in all of the offices. There are three of us who are college interns here. She used to be one and now works full time (Read: Power Trip). She stops in the office next to me and says, "We have some investors coming in today so you girls need to BE ON YOUR BEST BEHAVIOR."
I am already annoyed and she hasn't even said this to me. I am not a child and I'm pretty sure that I can figure out that if a bunch of dudes in suits that I've never seen before strut in the door (conveniently located right behind me), I should probably not yell about my weekend debauchery over the cubicle walls. Despite being wildly inappropriate downtown and via this blog, I actually have a pretty firm grasp on manners and social norms.
She stops in my office and in a whiny voice says "Name....."
I don't even turn around to look at her and before she can even go any further I just respond. "Yes, I heard."
She scampers off. Score one for me.
Needless to say, on the whole, this morning blows. One of my fellow interns is just as annoyed as I am. How to remedy the situation? Drinks at lunch. We really have no other choice.

As for the shit I didn't do last week....it can wait until tomorrow. I can't really be expected to overexert myself under this kind of stress can I? I didn't think so.
P.S. -- Some girl just came in for an interview.....WEARING JEANS AND A SWEATER. Jeez...let's talk wildly inappropriate. GET A CLUE.
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