Thursday, September 25, 2008

i know the economy is in bad shape... but?

my mom has completely lost it. shes driving up to dallas this weekend for my birthday and just sent me the following email:

I was looking to see if one of the angel food ministries was near you b/c they only open 1 sat a month…this sat. If there is one near you, maybe I (and you if you like) can get some food from them. It would be a shot in the dark, as you have to pre-order, but if they have leftovers they sell them to whoever is there wanting some. I attached the Sept menu…can you believe how much stuff you get for $30???

ummm hi mom, you are attempting to abuse a system meant for i don't know... REAL POOR PEOPLE!!! if she's actually trying to get me to stand in line at a food bank on a saturday after i make her pay for an expensive brunch with bottomless mimosas, bitch is mistaken.

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