Thursday, July 10, 2008

Its only bearable because its funny

We have an intern at work who is a law student at UT. He has the cube right next to me so I can hear everything he does, and he's the only one in close range that I can talk to from my desk.

Now just to make this clear and explain all of the weird things about him - he went to undergrad at A&M.

Let me describe a few of the things he does.
He gulps his drinks - the sound is obnoxious
He doesn't pick up his feet when he walks, so he scuffles every where.
He is about 5'5".
He eats four different times a day in his cube alone.

Let me give you a peek into some of our conversations

Scuffles: That's another benefit of working here..
Me: What's that?
Scuffles: Now I am learning what numbers go with which months.
Me: You what?? No way!
Scuffles: Yeah I never can remember that. How do you remember them?
Me: We've done that since grade school. Didn't you have to write the date on like every assignment you ever turned in?
Scuffles: Yeah but I just always wrote out the name of the month.
Me: Seriously?
Scuffles: Yeah, and if I did have to figure out the number I count the months out on my fingers.
Me: Wow Scuffles.
Scuffles: I can't believe you know them. Quick what's 3?
Me: March
Scuffles: 9?
Me: Septmeber
Scuffles: You're good.

Scuffles is in my cube
Scuffles: What time is it?
Me: Its like 4:45.
Scuffles: I think I am going to cut out early.
Me: Oh, have something fun going on tonight?
Scuffles: Yeah, salsa dancing lesson. I think I am getting pretty good. (Does some moves on the spot)

Me: Eating again, Scuffles?
Scuffles: Yeah. Sorry I must be the most annoying person to have a cube next to..
Me: Its okay. I just think its kind of funny.
Scuffles: I didn't used to be like this. I used to never eat. Then one day I just decided to start eating whenever I was hungry. And that ends up being all the time.
Me: Have you gained any weight since you've started doing this?
Scuffles: I don't know. I only started a week or so ago.
Me: Oh, so right when I started working here.
Scuffles: Yeah... lucky you.

Scuffles: Excuse me (he bumps into a guy in our office)
Guy: You sound hoarse.
Scuffles: I'm screaming in my head. The physical reflects the mental.
Guy just walks off

I still have a month and a half until he goes back to school. I can't wait to see what other gems come out of his mouth.

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