Monday, June 16, 2008

Did someone really give me a job??

My office building has a parking garage....

I was given a special sticker to open said garage on my first day of work. I got all the way to the elevator at the end of the day last Monday and realized that I had forgotten the parking pass. I go back, search my cubicle and come up with nothing. I find it five minutes later in my co-workers cubicle. The next morning I get to work, reach into my purse for the sticker and again....come up with nothing.

Perplexed as to its whereabouts I park on the street, hang my head in shame and head up to the 9th floor. Not wanting to admit how irresponsible and well, stupid I am to my co-workers, I continue to park on the street for the rest of the week.

Today I had planned on admitting my foolishness and asking for a new parking pass, but couldn't muster up the courage (guess I wouldn't be a Gryffindor....).

In a rare moment of productivity I decided to clean my kitchen tonight. I reach for one of the many plastic Tupperware containers on the counter to rinse out its contents before shoving it into the dishwasher....

The parking pass is inside.

1 comment:

Christine M. said...

You lost your parking pass for a week and it was in a tupperware the whole time??

Oh Venus, I love you! :)