Thursday, November 6, 2008

Truth in Latin

Stand Up Sid might just be good for something after all!

Our company has an outing next Friday. During the day we get to choose a round of golf or spa day. Then that night we have a cocktail hour and dinner at the House of Blues. To the later portion of the evening we get to bring a spouse/date/guest.

Mr. Wonderful was supposed to be my least that was the plan. His friend bought him a plane ticket to St. Louis for the same weekend, which landed me dateless.

I am pretty good at turning a negative into a positive. I decided this would be a chance for me to take a new boy out.

I thought about bringing Ball Boy. I met him at the pool over the summer, and saw him again at the Strong Drinks Bar a few weekends back. Free booze and a good dinner, what boy would turn that down? But then I realized my choice in date reflects on me to my whole company, and I don't know how confident I am in his social behaviors.

I then turned to Stand Up Sid. He had a barbeque a few months back where I met an attractive friend of his who is up here in Dental School. I don't think I talked to him at all at the barbque; we left pretty early to go out to have dinner at Shoulders' Aunt's house. But that didn't stop me from asking SUS to see if The Dentist would come as my date to our company outing. It makes it easier too that he knows SUS so he won't feel completely out of place at the dinner.

Supposedly Dental school is really hard and they study 6 days a week. Which is so twisted. I can't imagine doing any sort of studying right now. SUS has called him to see if he would be willing to use his one night off a week on me. We are supposed to get the verdict today.

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