Tuesday, November 25, 2008

To the Gorgeous Man on the 39th Floor

I saw you two consecutive mornings last week. You are gorgeous, and both of those days were better for having shared 15 seconds in the elevator with you. I vowed that if I saw you again I would tell you that I want to make out with your face and you would instantly realize that you would like me to have your babies.
Well, coming back from lunch, there you were standing in our elevator bank. However, I was with Stand Up Sid and a recruit, and you were with 5 other coworkers. So I didn't feel that I could profess my love for you in an elevator packed with seven other men.
Hopefully, some day soon, we can ride the elevator alone. Let's hope we don't have security cameras in our elevators because I don't think I will be able to contain myself.
Here's Hoping,
Your Schoolgirl Crush on the 36th Floor

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