Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hello Vodka, Its me GP

Hello world! This is my first post and I want to thank venus, nouns and TSDL for inviting me to be a part. Now that that is out of the way..I have much to say.

Let me first tell you about Hott Dad. He is just that, a hot dad. He is 35, has an eight year old daughter, and I had a date with him last night.

I'm getting ahead of myself. I coach little girls kickball. So does Hott Dad. Our teams played eachother last week and we made a bet that whoever loses has to buy the one dinner. Obviously a clever ploy by HD to finally get to take this hot piece of ass out to dinner.

So I lost last week, don't even get me started. I hate hate hate to lose. You will learn this about me, I am the most competitive person ever....EVER. That may be why I drink so much, I don't want to be the one to stop first.

Because I lost I had to buy dinner.

So Hott Dad picks me up in his dad car (Toyota) and as soon as I get in he reaches to the backseat for something. I'm This is a date. No. Not flowers. Its a six pack of mini coors. Mini like the 8 oz little cokes kids have these days. WTF? So I say whatever and throw one back that gets to play in my tummy with the margarita I made for myself at the house before HD picked me up. Obviously.

Finish the beer very was mini. Why would anyone want less beer? Tall boys I understand. This mini stuff..not so much. Anyway, drove to dinner and there was a wait. So we got more drinks. Mexican martini for me, marg rocks no salt for him.

He's a good conversationalist. I'll give him that. He was witty and he fought back. If you want to win my heart all you have to do is fight with me. I am sarcastic and cutting, don't take it personally dish it back. You'll be so much more of a man for it. And Hott Dad is a man who could dish it back.

We get our table and order Bob Armstrong dip. You have to at Matt's. This stuff is good. Its Queso on steriods. Cycle 10 maybe? Anyway, we couldn't decide what to order. Then HD comes up with the genius idea to get two things and split them. So we each get different tacos and trade one each when they come. We are the cutest couple already..

Forgot to include the drinks at dinner. Marg rocks salf for me, Coors and a sweet tea for HD. I mean I get sweet tea and vodka, right nouns? But coors? Come on HD I thought you were cooler than that.

Up until this point I hadn't really been paying attention to others around me. I couldn't keep my eyes off HD. I mean he is really hot. But once I look around I find a gold mine..

Realtor is at the table right next to me. I have shacked with realtor, gone home from my best guy friend's sister's wedding with realtor's brother, dated realtor's cousin in law and plan on marrying realtor's cousin - who noun's gotten together with if you get my drift. Basically I own the men of that family.

So we finish dinner and I tell HD I need to say hi to my "friend". So HD goes off and waits by the front door like a good little boy while I talk to realtor. I say hi, how are you..all the akward rando stuff. Find out he is coming to my graduation party in two weeks. Oops. I guess it never crossed my mind that when I throw a joint graduation party with realtor's cousin, realtor might also be there. So lets all look forward to that.

Well HD drives me home and I look at the clock kinda pissed that its 9:30. He was starting to cut into my drinking time. I was almost thinking about cracking open another Coors. But 8 oz is not worth my effort. We talk about our weeks, figuring out when we will see eachother again. I have a lesson on Monday (I get paid to give private kickball lessons - I rule) and HD said he would come by and visit. Read he loves me. We play eachother again in two weeks so we've made the same bet but different place. Don't know where yet.

Completely new part of the evening with a completely different vibe:

Take off the cami I have under my dress to keep what cleavage I have tamed so as not to distract HD and head to Noun's for more drinking of course. Throw a beer in my passenger seat and I'm off.

Park in BFE and walk to Noun's. Luckily I have my beer to keep me occupied on the walk. Get to Nouns. We are sitting around waiting for our ride downtown and I'm bored so I make myself another drink. Pour the rando rum in the can and add a splash of diet pepsi and we're good to go.

Break time. The rest of my night, which is on the level of HD date, but with more booze, to come shortly.

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