Saturday, April 26, 2008

I Love Guns.

I can't believe that this hasn't been addressed yet, but let it be known that I am an NRA-lovin, gun-toteing hardcore conservative Republican.

In any case, despite that fact, I'm not really that political.....I just love being extreme, and I agree with everything W does (Duh).  

One night.....many weeks ago, I got drunk (surprise, surprise).  Anywho, I found my finance-class friend (he was in MY bar....yes, MY BAR) and we started talking politics (something I NEVER do....EVERRRR).  Something else you don't know about me.....I was born in Canada.  So naturally, I think Obama is a straight up foolio.  Why you say??  Lets just talk...nationalized healthcare.  Anyone who thinks THAT is a good idea has no idea what they are talking about.  My grandparents pay out the ass to fly to the U.S. to get quality healthcare.  RIDIC.  So back to the point.....My FCF is a bleeding heart liberal.  I start talking "outta my neck" at MY BAR.  We get on the topic of politics and I tell him this:

" much as presidential candidates talk about social issues like gay rights and abortion and what not....that is BULLSHIT.  No one actually does a damn thing about that once in office.  It's all about the economics (I'm a finance minor.  Read:  Genius.)"

So, I continue to (very drunkenly) elaborate on the nationalized healthcare issues and taxes (which I hate) and what not.  (I HONESTLY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT AT THIS POINT).  I don't know where the convo goes after bartender at MY BAR gives me shots and all goes south.  

But, here's the point (or the climax as Shoulders would say).  I actually went to class on Tuesday and in all seriousness FCF says to me....

"I have been thinking a lot about what you said the other night.  You need to tell me more about nationalized healthcare.  Now that I think about what you said more I am really thinking about voting for McCain."

I'm drunk so I don't really know how to finish this post ($5 bottomless mimosas).  But, here's what I'm trying to convey via this post......

I AM THE SMARTEST PERSON IN THE WORLD.   (Anyone who disagrees is obvi W-R-O-N-G.)

I am ALWAYS right.   



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