Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My Life and Why I Drink So Much

Last Weekend's Highlights:

The Facts:I woke up on Friday morning feeling like death and I promptly called in sick to work for the first time in my entire life.
The Irony: My boss still accused me of just playing hooky on Monday morning.

The Facts: I managed to stay in on Friday night and even avoided boozing.
The Irony: I was so deep into a DaQuil haze that I passed out anyway.

The Facts: I drove to Dallas to apartment hunt, man hunt, and talk business.
The Irony: I didn't sign a lease, and the only man who actually wanted to talk to me was more intoxicated than I (that is saying A LOT) and nicknamed "Mellow" (I can't make this shit up). All of this occurred by 11:45.

The Facts: On Sunday I drove to my hometown where I attended a church and found out exactly what Hell is going to be like.
The Irony: Hell is a lot like attending a wedding shower with your mother.

The Facts: I drove home to Austin for approximately the 94,857,348,920,420,545,677th time.
The Irony: My mother called just to check and see if I had my headlights on.

The Facts: This is the first weekend in at least a month that I don't have to go out of town or have house guests which I was planning to celebrate by going downtown at my leisure, drinking beers by my pool at my leisure, and walking around my house buck naked just because I can at my leisure.
The Irony: My aunt just IM'd me to let me know that she is coming to Austin this weekend and might need to stay with me.


There is really only one thing I can do at this point. Dollar beer night, I'm bringing a $20 and I'm not sharing.

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